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Friday, November 21, 2008


I tried to describe this type of Salvia to someone in comments some time ago. I think it's Dancing Flame van houetti? My neighbor rooted a piece for me, it's new to her this year as well. I am trying to root it too, I don't know if it will come back...any ideas?


Leedra said...

Slavia is always so pretty at the nursery, but I am not crazy about the look in my yard. Seems like everybody elses does so much better than mine.

Susie said...

Sorry Darla I'm not sure which Salvia that is.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is Salvia 'Dancing Flame'. Van houtii is close and used in the trade but it may be just a S. splendins hybrid or species that sported. It was first introduce from Europe and and Hishtill was the first to export it to the US growers 3 years ago. It is not patent protected. The plant will get leggy and is suceptable to Downy Mildew which causes it to loose it's lower leaves. I wish we could grow it this nice in Florida You would have to spray it weekly to prevent the mildew and it is just not worth that effort. Thanks for blogging. Rick

Roses and Lilacs said...

I like it because it is very attractive to hummingbirds;)

Patsy said...

Hi, Darla I used one of your blogger friends to make a cake.
Eat cake, look and smell flowers.

CAB said...

Hi - thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on the silly McDonald's story! Enjoyed looking through some of your blog - the icicles are great - might have to ask my husband if he'd do that for me...if we ever get any real freezing weather over here in TX, that is! Have a wonderful weekend!

marmee said...

haven't grown it here in tn but in fl it is a staple. meems probably knows it well.
love your new header picture, by the way.

playsdolls said...

I have seen this slavia growing in yards around where I live,it is great for humming birds.

Darla got my seeds in the mail today,Thank You,Thank You.