Clicking on the photos will enlarge them :)

Monday, May 4, 2009

A Few Firsts..

First of all, Thank You to all of you for your concern about the Coyote....haven't seen him since Friday...HOORAY!! My husband and I were able to see his tracks though. I know they have about a 12 mile range that they roam, hopefully he is done around here..

First Calla of the year.
First Black Eyed Susan Vine bloom.....she's blooming on the ground, her vine is just barely up the lattice.
I think the Morning Glory's are pretty in the evening too.
Bunny Tails Grass is still going strong. My girls named the Bunny Tails, I think this is Oscar!

and look.....Caladiums are starting to show up. I planted these in October, the ones from last year still haven't shown up. I know they were very late last year.

Now, I'm off to visit as many of you as I can..........


Roses and Lilacs said...

Your flowers a just lovely. That bunny tail couldn't be cuter, I'm planting some this year too.

I wasn't online last weekend so I have to go back and read about your coyote.

Susie said...

Glad you haven't seen the coyote. Your blooms are looking great! The spent morning glories remind me of sea shells.

Have a great day Darla!

Patsy said...

Your yard is a canvas of color. Beautiful

Lois said...

I hope that coyote's range doesn't include my neighborhood Darla!

Val said...

You have such beautiful flowers. I just love them. I sure hope that coyote is gone for sure. That is scary.

Dennis said...

I love that 6th picture down......nice flower bed! I've got to get better with the flowers!

Rusty in Miami said...

Nice flowers, my caladiums are popping out of the ground strong this year, they are a little late for us around here.

Deb said...

I always look forward to your posts...your flowers are so beautiful...glad the coyote hasn't been back

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

I just can't get over how much is blooming there. I love the picture with the cosmos. I think bunny tail is a perfect name for the grass.

RURAL said...

Darla, beautiful, it looks like your garden is in full swing.

How do I make the photos larger? I know that you can click on them to enlarge them. But with Blogger this is as big as I can get. Any suggestions? And remember, I am almost out of space left on my storage, so I am doing my best to conserve it. LOL. There is no way that I am going to pay over $20 US to have the luxury of getting a little bit more storage. Ha.


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Darla: what a beautiful show your flowers are giving. I love your Calla Lillies, what great color. Mine are just starting to poke their head out of the ground.

Dirt Princess said...

I have been wanting to grow callas, I just wasn't sure how they would do here...but you are growing I can too! YOu are my rule of thumb..If Darla can grow can I :)! I had some balck eyed susan vine but it didn't make it! UGH!!! I was very happy to see my caladiums popping up. I never remember where they were until they show their pretty little faces. After this rain today I am sure more will be coming up

tina said...

Those morning glory buds are so nice! Glad the coyote has not been around. Someone probably got him with their shotgun.

Tess said...

These are super beautiful flowers. I can look at the, forever.

niartist said...

It's so beautiful! It makes me long for summer! We still could get frost here, so I'm holding on planting a lot of things - but I think this Saturday I'm gonna push through and get it done. I have TONS and I mean TONS of bulbs to get in the ground! :) Lovely garden Darla. Just keeps getting better and better.

Dani said...

It all looks beautiful Darla! You must be so proud.

RURAL said...

Hi Darla, I have noticed that your photos are bigger than mine, I think it is the template that I choose for the blog. I have always picked the "large" size photos, but this template seems to have slightly smaller photos than yours.


Jennifer AKA keewee said...

You have so many beautiful plants.

Prospero said...

I love the color of your Calla lily. Do you have many plants? Are they all the same color?

Kara said...

Oh, your calla lilies are just so pretty!!!

Anonymous said...

Love those Bunny Tails. I remember seeing them and wanting to put them on my wish list. You're lucky to have the smaller colored Callas come back. I kept wondering why they died every year and then decided to look at the label and found they aren't hardy! Silly me - but the big white ones are so I just assumed - never assume! Love all of your beautiful flowers. We have coyotes here too and I've only seen one twice and only knew it wasn't a dog I guess by the wild eyes. He just stared at me as I drove by - I guess the eye contact made me rather nervous!

Shelley said...

Your flowers would make a beautiful photo book!

Martha said...

Glad the coyote hasn't reappeared! You have the most beautiful flowers! :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your coyote hasn't reappeared. That's scary stuff! Your garden is really looking good, I love the photo with all the Cosmos. That pink calla is gorgeous, mine have just started to emerge. :)

xinex said...

Beautifil flowers and beautiful garden!...Christine

Leedra said...

The white petunias are pretty. The bunny tail is so unusual, and cute.

Leedra’s Photos For FunLeedra’s Greeting CardsPhotography By Leedra

marmee said...

wonderful darla,
everything around there is just going great guns. i love the black-eyed susan vine>? i didn't know such a thing existed. your wheel barrow on the sidebar looks so pretty. have fun in your may garden.

Anonymous said...

Hi Darla~~ The color of the calla is outstanding. All of your flowers look so fresh and healthy. I bet you really love your climate.

Jake said...

Glad your Cladiums are coming back, mine started a week or two ago. I had a Blackeyed Susan Vine in 2007 as an annual in KY and I couldn't get it to grow on the trellis, it wanted to be a ground cover. I let it, becasue it was pretty and I new it was toast when frost came.


Anonymous said...

Your plants are amazing. I'm writing while sneezing and it's not prettty. I worked outside all day and now I'm sneezing pollen grains to the four corners.

Every day now, you garden gets bigger and better.