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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

GBBD 15th of the Month!

Morning Glory-Grandpa Ott's Ipomoea purpurea
Heirloom seeds from Botanical Interests
Very late blooming Daff......and I have a couple more just emerging!

Dependable Double Knockout Roses

My first Agapanthus bud. I purchased one container divided it and got 7 plants. Didn't think they would bloom this year.
Volunteer Verbena
Nasturtium Empress of India the flowers are a much darker reddish orange than the photo shows. Seeds from Burpee
Cleome that I purchased. I have found 5 more that I started from seed Ferry-Morse Four Queens Mix, curious to see what colors will be on those.

Buddleia- Butterfly Bush
Cosmos started from a random pack of seed. Doesn't matter the brand of seeds for these flowers they always grow for me just like Zinnia and Susans.
Snapdragons have been going since November.
Shasta Daisy that I brought from my old home.
Star Jasmine is starting to bloom
Small piece of my larger Shrimp plant that I rooted over the winter.
The Primroses are still holding on.......don't know much about these.
Thanks Carol at for hosting GBBD


Anonymous said...

Such colorful blooms you shared today. Hope you have a great day!

HalfCrazy said...

Wow! very beautiful and colorful flowers! I especially love the purple ones (first photo), of course! I haven't seen anything like it personally!

You have a wonderful garden with beautiful flowers!

Gail said...

Hi Darla...Boy oh are way ahead of us! My Butterfly Bush is barely poking out of the ground...It would have been larger, I think, but we had those late freezes. I hope you have a sweet day! gail

Jennifer AKA keewee said...

I think my Agapanthus croaked, sighhhh! Primroses are easy to grow and are so beautiful in their many colors and varieties.
You have very nice pictures of your plants, thanks for sharing.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

I know I say this every time I come here, I can't believe all you have blooming! My butterfly bush barely has a leaf on it. The nasturtium seeds are still in the packet next to my computer.
I love seeing what you have in bloom there.

RURAL said...

You have no idea how glad I am that there is finally something blooming around here that did not come from a greenhouse!

Great photos, love the array of color.


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Darla: What a wonderful collection of blooms. We are starting to bloom up North, just very slowly.

Dorothy said...

What a wonderful flower garden you have! My sisters would go crazy looking at everything!! They are both into flower gardening and try to have a little of everything. All of they are just lovely!

tina said...

Those snapdragons are awesome! Your garden looks like summertime up here and just all keeps giving so much-very lovely!

Anonymous said...

Your butterfly bush is very pretty.

Deb said...

your garden is beautiful, I love heirloom plants that can be passsed around, that is how most of my plant have been started

My Mother's Garden said...

Hi Darla~
Your garden blooms look spectacular! So much beauty! Love the buddleia bloom especially! ~ Karrita

Patsy said...

We had a light frost. Have to take a spin around the yard to see what it killed.

Tessa at Blunders with shoots, blossoms 'n roots said...

Wow! You sure have a lot of blooms! Don't you just love it when something blooms that you didn't expect to bloom? Happy GBBD to you!

Kathleen McQueen Wright said...

Love my double knockouts too!!

Frances said...

Hi Darla, so much going on there. It is heartening to see how advanced your garden is with the butterfly bushes, cleome and nastursiums, what we consider more summertime flowers. Good deal on the agapanthus. They are all wonderful! Happy bloom day!

Anonymous said...

You are a month or so ahead of us Darla with the Cosmos & Butterfly Bush blooms. Beautiful blooms for GBBD! :)

Green thumb said...

Hi Darla, all your blooms are beautiful, but your butterfly bush is a stunner. Your Cleomes are lovely too!
Best Wishes

Roses and Lilacs said...

I have the same morning glory, of course I won't be seeing mine until sometime in July;) Can't beleive you have all our mid summer flowers blooming now.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Darla, I always enjoy seeing your beautiful flowers... Can't believe the Daff's and Primrose are still holding on... That's neat!!!


Unknown said...

Your flowers are beautiful!

chuck b. said...

I like the wild look of Cleome. Wish I had some room for 'em.

Jamie said...

And this would be why I, as a Mid-Westerner, truly adore Bloom Day! Such fun to garden vicariously through your Floridian garden photos :-)
Thanks so much for sharing!

Heidi said...

Ahhhh... what a peaceful garden you must have. All those things in bloom right now. You and your family sure put a lot of work into it!

Hope you all had a lovely and blessed Easter!

Susie said...

My Knock-outs are starting to bloom right now. Love those plants.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

I love those tall snapdragons, the butterfly bush, and I'm not remembering what it was, but the purple flower just before the butterfly bush! All of your blooms are beautiful, though.

Alan Pulley said...

Hey Darla! Wow, you have so much blooming!! Arent knockout roses great? Cant wait until mine start blooming. I really like your cleomes. They look great!

LindaCTG said...

It's so fun to see flowers in Florida that we also have in Texas, plus a few extras thrown in. Your family sounds wonderful too! So glad to meet you through Bloom Day!

Leedra said...

Pretty flowers again. Would love to take a stroll through your real life.

Leedra’s Photos For FunLeedra’s Greeting CardsPhotography By Leedra

sweetbay said...

Wow, you are so far ahead of us here in NC -- it looks like summer at your place. Beautiful pictures. Cleome is one of my favorite annuals -- it's so tough and vividly colorful.

Val said...

As always I just love all of your pictures. Your colors are looking like spring. It is still so cool here. We have some tulips up and a few other things but it is still so cold. I think it suppose to warm up this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Darla~~ Lovely, lovely!

Grandpa Ott is a jewel of a blossom but I wouldn't be a good garden friend if I didn't tell you that it is a terrible seeder. Several summers ago I had a lovely display but unbeknownst to me seed was dropping everywhere and the following year little baby Grandpas were springing up all over. Then again last year. Finally this year I'm not seeing any. Whew.

Love your photos.

marmee said...

you are a very busy girl darla. the shrimp plant is interesting. i feel like i have seen it before. i got some primrose seeds this year...they look to be a delicate flower.
happy spring day today.

Blossom said...

Wow .. so many beautiful blooms, Darla. I envy you.
And you already know I received the candles. Lovely! Thank you very much. They really made my day.

Shelley said...

I'm still in awe over that first photo!!

mss @ Zanthan Gardens said...

Your flowers look lovely. You're way ahead of my garden. My morning glories are barely a foot tall and don't look very vigorous yet. Hoping they make it through to flower.

Just a note...maybe it's these old eyes but the green type on blue background is almost impossible to read. I'd visit more often if I could see what you were saying.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Your garden has so much color in it. It appears like my summer garden will hopefully look like. Happy GBBD.

Carla said...

WOW! Everything looks so healthy! Happy Tax-day, I mean, Bloom Day to you:)

Kathy said...

It sure is nice to see your flowers when my lawn hasn't even greened up yet. Don't think I'll ever get used to seeing daffodils and roses blooming at the same time. My daffs are starting to bloom; my roses have the teeniest bit of leaf.

Linda said...

My goodness - nasturtiums just now - ours will flower in August and September.
Beautiful display of flowers you have just now.