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Thursday, April 16, 2009


A visit to the local Home Depot........on the Milkweed I purchased........hope this little fellow makes it. He had to listen to country music in the car on the way home and yes, I talked to him!
This fellow was chasing a little lady around in my garden........what does go on when I'm not home?

The Cosmos bud I posted yesterday was open when I returned from the store.
Along with the 3 Milkweed I also purchased Vinca, Impatiens, a yellow Strawflower, a Cherry Tomato plant, Candycane Zinnia Seeds and 7 Dahlias---the Dahlias were only .99 a piece.
Now, out to the garden I go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dennis said...

Maybe it's a man thing, but my first instinct is to.......squish!

Dirt Princess said...

gotta love 99 cent plants!!!!!! I have tons of salamanders running around my yard. They are everywhere. Its a good thing though since they eat the skeeters.

marmee said...

so cool you got a plant and the creature was! have fun out in the garden i am heading out myself...was waiting for it to warm up a bit.

Lois said...

Those little lizards love to get between the screen and glass on my back door and taunt my kitty!

Deb said...

you are very fortunate to spend so much time in your garden...don't tell mine it will be very angry...
your lizards are pretty ours are just gray

Dani said...

I love the little caterpillars!

Dorothy said...

Darla, I hope you will post pictures of the progress the Monarch makes. That would be very interesting.

Patsy said...

That is what I was going to say a Butterfly.(To be)

Becca's Dirt said...

Hey Darla, What a colorful little creature. Gotta love those sale prices on the things we love - FLOWERS. Today I got a similar deal at WalMart - daylilies 4 different kind, dahlias, rudbekia, and a few others all bulb packs were a $1 a piece with 3 and 5 bulbs to a pack. I thought my eyes were playing tricks. Have loads of fun digging today.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have fun in the yard. You bought a lovely selection of plants and I love the .99 bargains!

Dennis said...

To all of Darla's readers........I must apologize for threatening to squash the Monarch Catapillar. I have been scolded and I promise to never squish or mention squishing Monarch Catapillars again.

Unless the 12 year old gets out....then I'm innocent of all charges! lol!

Susie said...

That's a good buy on the Dahlias. At work, ours cost quite a bit more.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

I love that the caterpillar listened to country music on the way home! Love all your new plants, have fun in the sun!!

Leedra said...

Don't let Home Depot know or they will charge you extra! I guess that was a 2 for 1 sale.

Leedra’s Photos For FunLeedra’s Greeting CardsPhotography By Leedra

Carolynn Anctil said...

I'm anxious to get going on my little balcony garden too. Maybe this weekend!

Anonymous said...

Wow Darla, BIG time score on the caterpillar.

RURAL said...

Is that a gecko? A real live gecko?

We only get those nasty hairy spiders.



Anonymous said...

Just think you might have a beautiful butterfly soon to share with us! How exciting! My milkweed self seeded a bit so now I have even more of it to attract these beautiful caterpillars. :) Great finds, especially on the Dahlias!

Wicked Gardener said...

I just went the nursery today and picked up milkweed for my mom's garden. I didn't even know Monarchs came to this area until I was at this same nursery last fall and they were just covered with them. BTW - Do you know if they do well as cuttings?

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Good for you, Darla! I chose a rue plant last year because it had a couple small caterpillars on it. I'm jealous of you for having lizards in your garden.

Alan Pulley said...

Sounds like a lot goin on when your not home!! lol!

Jessica said...

Hi Darla~

Your flowers are so pretty~ even your new friend is cute. I hope you sang some of those country songs!:)

Have a great day~ J

Ana-Maria said...

pretty garden and flowers.Comgratulations.

Carla said...

Woo hoo!
I see I'm not the only one who picks up strange catapillers, and takes them home with me:)
It doesn't realize how lucky it is, you not only 'bought' it, but entertained it, and have invited it to feast on your garden:)
And healthy plants on sale!?! Oh happy day!

Randy said...

Darla, I really hope we have caterpillars this year. We had tons of butterflies but no cats.