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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Bloomin' Tuesday

Vacation Bible School went well.  Thank you for all the good wishes for our Church and the children we ministered too.

Linking up with Jean for Bloomin' Tuesday.

Just pure yuck on my Dahlia!  They were squished this morning.
A hanging container of Angelina Sedum and Purple Queen, the Grandpa Ott's morning glory is in the ground, it's just winding around the lattice and anything close by...

Some of the Trumpet Lilies, I have about 8 plants that bloomed a week or more ago.
I just love the bright orangey-red of the Turk's Cap.

Sunday at Church the Pastor presented myself and my partner in crime, Ms. Wendy a potted Begonia...perfect for me!

Black Oil sunflower seeds dropped from the bird feeders.  This seems to be the only way I am successful with growing sunflowers.  By the feeders the squirrels leave them alone, in the gardens the squirrels cut the blooms.
Today begins yet another exciting chapter, at least for our 17 year old.  She has a sitting this morning for her Senior Portraits....sniff, sniff.....

Be Blessed!


Rosemary said...

Your garden is full of bright colour

Randy said...

I see the white boxes are gone. Hope you are feeling a little better. You are in my thoughts.

Skeeter said...

That is the only way I have success with sunflowers as well! We started using shelled seeds in the feeders this year so I doubt we shall ever have any volunteer bloomers again. Sure makes less mess under the feeders too but a bit pricey.

Grassy hoppers and crickets have been awful this year. I reckon the mild winter has them out in droves. I cannot kill them by hand as I think of the bluebirds missing out on a meal. Sigh, my love for nature wins out over my beauties at times. But the Japanese beetles are pinched by the fingers!

daisy g said...

You squashed them? Oh no! ;0)

I haven't had much luck with sunflowers this year either, but I'm not giving up!

Oh, it's so hard to think about our babies growing up.

Yael at Home Garden Diggers said...

Lovely blooms in your garden, and I love the color of your morning glories. Love your trumpet lilies. They are beautiful.

Yael from Home Garden Diggers

Beth said...

Beautiful morning glories. I have a little history on them. Perhaps you already know this, but maybe your readers would be interested. Diane Ott Whealey and her husband started Seed Savers Exchange. The seeds for your morning glories are from her Grandpa Ott's and have been passed down. Your begonia is pretty too!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Darla, Kids do grow up so fast, don't they???? Dang it!!!!!

I should have a yard-full of sunflowers since my birds eat sunflower seeds 24/7.... BUT--I've never seen one...

Glad your VBS went well... Nice gift!!!!

Most of our lilies are gone also now.... Guess I'll have to wait til next year.


Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

The kids grow up so fast! Wish we could put them in a time capsule and keep them at each and every stage.....
Love that begonia.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

The trumpet lilies are lovely. They really stand out. Funny about the squirrels and the sunflowers. Another one about to be a senior. Oh my!

Lån said...

Wonderful pendants Darla! Your wildflowers are beautiful. have heard the same story about planting pink and white bleeding hearts near each other. The white ones will eventually become pink.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gi said...

Really it is amazing and lovely garden shared since there are so greatest and fantastic garden shared . There are lovely and more creative garden shared and do enjoy it.

Hussalg said...

Blomin Tuesday is nice and beautiful flower in garden we can know that and use different type flower in the garden and use it. When we will connect in this site then we can watch garden so lovely and beautiful garden.