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Friday, May 8, 2009

Thursday Things Continued...

Lacecap Hydrangea Mystery plant from the neighbors. Ya'll wanted to see the bloom so maybe you could help ID this plant.

The blooms aren't open yet, this is what they are doing right now. This plant grows mostly in the shade, some afternoon sun.

Pink Vinca

Oh so happy girls weeding around the tomatoes!

Buddleia-- I can't figure out which one this is......Black Night, Purple Emperor??

Hubby got another skink!!

Sunflower is beginning to open.

It won't be long now for the Susans. Click to enlarge, this one turned out kind of good.

I find the Strawflowers interesting in every stage. Delphinium in the back.
These Purple Coneflowers, Zinnias, Susans, Cosmos, Four O'clocks, Celosia, Balloon Flowers, Salvia, Pineapple Sage, Firespike and more are going to be beautiful when they bloom. Most will bloom about the same time.

and......what the heck is on my Milkweed? I know it's a bug....what kind?

I do hope everyone has a Blessed weekend. We may hit a record high tomorrow! Remember your sunscreen no matter what climate you are in.....


Davy Barr said...

That buddleia looks to me like Black Knight. As to the yellow creatures on your plant, I have them too and always assumed they were some type of aphid.

Roses and Lilacs said...

I think those are aphids. A strong spray with the garden hose will take care of them. Someone also told me you could throw some flour on them and smother them. You might have a time getting the flour off the plant;)

Lois said...

Another skink...ick! Your flowers are gorgeous Darla. I can't believe how hot it is around here already!

Becca's Dirt said...

All of your gardens are just filling out so nicely Darla. Hope you have a blessed Mothers Day and a great weekend. Becca

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers Darla - I love Lacecap Hydrangeas. Your Buddlia looks like my Black Knight - even our pics are the same 'cept mine opposite direction.
While your breaking heat records I think we may breaking cold ones for this time of year. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Great photos! I love the sunflowers and black eyed susans opening. Fantastic hairiness! Stay cool! The humidity is too much.

penny said...

Seeing all your wonderful flowers always maks me smile. They are a joy, thanks for the delightful view of your gardeners, too:)
Thanks for visiting.

Patsy said...

Your garden is growing so fast.

Leedra said...

The sunflower buds are so pretty. Sometimes the buds are as pretty as the actual bloom.

Leedra’s Photos For FunLeedra’s Greeting CardsPhotography By Leedra

Tootsie said...

I love your photos ! that Hydrangea is fabulous!!!
I am so glad there are none of those critters here...ick!
thanks for the visit today!

Susie said...

We're having lots of hot weather too Darla! I never leave home without my sunblock.

Dani said...

Hydrangea have always been a favorite of mine. Too bad they don't grow for us well here in the central part.

Jean Campbell said...

Is there some reason we should be killing skinks? I thought they were part of the foor chain and perhaps ate things like aphids. I've always just ignored them.

Val said...

Your garden is looking wonderful. How do you get those girls to work that hard? They are so cute. I love all of the pictures.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

I like the picture of your girls all weeding together! That reminds me of my sisters and I. I love all the flowers in bud stages, they really look so neat, just waiting to pop open.

Anonymous said...

Girl I nearly swallowed my tea whole when the skink appeared on the screen. I wasn't expecting that and laughed my fool head off.

You have lots of pretty blooms or almost blooms. I killed my aphids with a solution of soap( has to be real liquid soap like Dial) and water. Mix it up and spray on the bugs. The soap dries out the bugs skin but won't harm the plant or environment. I part soap to about 10 parts water. Try it on a small area first. You need to get the aphids off as it is sucking the nutrients out of the plant.

Blossom said...

Love hydrangea. And, those aphids; I do what flowergardengirl suggested ...
Your lovely garden always fascinates me.

Martha said...

Beautiful flowers as always! I only wish I could have a garden as pretty as yours! I love the photo of the girls and could have done with out the skink - can't stand those things - eeek!

Anonymous said...

Those little orange bugs are the Milkweed Aphid, soon the ladybugs will be having a feast!

Dennis said...

Tomatoes! Awesome....what kind?

And what the heck is a skink?

My Mother's Garden said...

Hi Darla~
The mystery plant is the Peruvian lily, alstromeria. It's a good one that multiplies each year. Also a great long lasting cut flower.

Peggy said...

Hmmm...sunscreen?!! Not from where I am! Sunflowers too?! So not fair!
The pic of the girls weeding is good, I like the way you involve everyone in your family garden.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Darla: What neat flowers you have and that slink hunter must be really getting good.

DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful flowers! I'm looking forward to planting around here.

marmee said...

aren't those bugs aphids...never seen them that colour. i saw a green legged spider today with white eyes and was so strange looking.
hope you had a wonderful mothers day. i love the close up of the susan just about to open. good job.

Ginger said...

someone identified your mystery flower as a peruvian lily, which it is, but there are many varities of peruvian lily. it's also known as a parrot lily. (I have them, too.)