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Monday, April 23, 2012

Bloomin' Tuesday

Snowball Viburnum. 

For Bloomin' Tuesday I am featuring the garden of our neighbor,  Ms. Doris Three Doors Down.
I missed the Iris, Amaryllis and Narcissus show in her gardens.  She has flowers coming and going.



Amaryllis from Ms. Doris' mom.  There is just something so special about flowers from our living and or deceased loved one's gardens to bring back fond memories.

Ms. Doris, this is a Daylily right?  The foliage doesn't look like an the shimmer in the buttery color...what girl doesn't enjoy a little shimmer now and again?

Coleus, Impatiens and Ornamental Potato Vine containerized in an Iris bed.  I covet this container, even empty.

A hanging container of purple and orange Calibrachoa "Million Bells", nice combination.

Love this dark leaf Canna.  She shared some with me last year.  Looking forward to it's blooms this year.

Her roses reminded me of a strawberry swirl color.  Don't recall if she said these were Knockouts or not.

I am always a lot little envious when her Jonathon Waterer Spirea blooms, sigh.

I have seen a lot of Dianthus, none quite this color.  It is so bright and cheerful.

Crinum Lilies..mine are no where near having buds on them.
I hope you enjoyed some of Ms. Doris' flowers.  I need to go back and take photos of just her garden art, that's a post all it's own.  Also, she has over 80 something Hydrangeas now.  I can't wait for them to start blooming, that too, will be a post all it's own or maybe a two parter!  She has my collection up to 8 or 9!  She is the "Hydrangea Rooting Queen"!


I Am Woody said...

Ms Doris has a beautiful place!

Just a few weeks ago as I was admiring my Iris, I told my husband that every time they bloom it makes me smile and think of my Mom. I dug them from our house where my Mom had planted them when I was a kid. She had gotten them from her Mom :)

Beth said...

Beautiful! It's always fun to visit other people's gardens and get inspiration.
Hugs, Beth

Mari said...

She has a beautiful garden - it would be wonderful to see in person!

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

It's nice that you have "another" garden to enjoy. Mrs. Doris is a great gardener.

Serenity Cove said...

Thank's for your nice comment on my blog. I will try to remember to save you some seeds and will contact you when they are ready.I got that plant from a neighbor and really don't know what species it is. I just know I love them!! Forgive me if I forget because my daughter is getting married this summer and I have a lot on my mind...Pearl

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

I love when you share pictures of Miss Doris' garden. It must be so nice to have a gardening neighbor to share plants with!

Lona said...

I always enjoy seeing Miss Doris garden. She has so many wonderful plants. I am with you, love that container. That dianthus is a beautiful color.

Skeeter said...

Love that container as well. Is it a birdbath or just planter? Nice....

Yum on the taters below as well. Probably my favorite veggie in the world....

daisy g said...

Ooooooooooh, what a lovely garden!

Diann said...

Wow your neighbor has some beautiful flowers in bloom! So pretty.

Val said...

I always love when we visit Ms. Doris's place! Just absolutely beautiful.

Debra Howard said...

So many pretty blooms. What a nice snowball bush. I am thinking I may need to plant one.

Anonymous said...
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What a fun neighbor Ms. Doris must be. I love that container too. And her flowers are wonderful. Can't wait to see the art and the hydrangeas.

Dorothy said...

Beautiful flowers! I love that pink spirea1 because it reminds me of out old home place!

Becky said...

I covet that container, too!
Visiting her must be such fun.
Wow, over 80 hydrangeas?! Love it!!

KitchenAid Küchenmaschinen said...

Nice and beautiful flower in the garden there are different types and varieties of the flower we can be enjoy it in this garden. This is nice and enjoyable garden.