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Monday, April 23, 2012

Hubby's Harvest.....

And they were delish!!


Busy Bee Suz said...

So funny!! We just ate roasted 'taters from my garden last night.... Yummi

I Am Woody said...

Yum! Love new potatoes, oven 'fried' with a little rosemary!!

daisy g said...

They look SO good!


I bet! They look delish!

tina said...

I know what's for dinner!

Mikki said...

I just harvested some potatoes the other day and we ate them tonight.. something about taters from the garden.. yummy!

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Darla, I can't believe you have potatoes already! Mine are just showing their green tops (they grow from little potatoes that were left in the ground).
Also, your flowers in the next post are gorgeous!

HolleyGarden said...

Can't believe you already have potatoes! Mine are just starting to flower. Those look fabulous!

Val said...

Oh my goodness! He should be so proud. And there is nothing as delicious as anything fresh out of the garden!!!