Clicking on the photos will enlarge them :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Baby Hummingbird??

This has to be a baby Hummingbird.....I heard it humming before I could find it. What do you think? Boy is it fast.....and was drinking out of the Wishbone like a mad bird!! I mean it was all over the place.


A Colorful World said...

This is one of those moths that look like hummingbirds, I believe....they have been featured in Birds and Blooms magazine. You can see the moth-like face in the last photograph.

Shionge said...

Hey great that you captured these shots :)

Brad Myers said...

Good capture, it is a hummingbird moth.

Connie T. said...

I read the comments. I was going to say that looks like a moth. I guess it must be. Great shot.

Val said...

I have never heard of a moth hummingbird, but I also thought it was a moth. Great pictures as usual.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

very interesting pictures I have never seen a moth like that before ! a hummingbird moth very cool!~

Patsy said...

You did good, that is a new one on me. God's little creature's are a fascination.

Unknown said...

I didn't know moths had beaks? Look at the third pic, click to enlarge, barely but you can see it, it's long like the hummingbirds and they sound a like too. Thanks for all of the help this is one of those things that makes blogging fun. Gonna look up my moth thingy!

marmee said...

yes this is a hummingbird moth. very cool you got so many shots, they can be hard to capture in your lens.

Gail said...

I see that it has been id'ed but I did want to say...that you have some great photos!


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Darla: They do fly like a hummingbird. I remember the first time I saw one and wondered what it was.

Heidi said...

Yep, Hummingbird Moth. Great capture Darla! The third pic, that's its tongue getting the nectar. I've seen butterflies with their tongues out too. In the last picture, you can definitely see its antennae and birds don't have those.

Excellent captures... I'd love to see one in person.

garden girl said...

Aren't they just the coolest! I'd never seen them before this year, and have seen a bunch of them since. We have at least three different kinds of hummingbird moths around here. They are very interesting little creatures, and not so easy to get a clear photo of. Nice shots!

2sweetnsaxy said...

I was thinking it looked like one of those moth things too. I've seen a couple of pics on other blogs and that's all I know about them. Which I could remember which blog so I could link you to it.

Laurie and Chris said...

Great pictures of the Hummingbird Moth. We have them in our area also but I have never gotten a picture.

Anonymous said...

I just started carrying a camera with me everywhere I went so that I could capture all those moments I haveare missed. Your pixs are great and like the others I thought the hummingbird was a moth, lol.




Shelley said...

Beautiful moth!!

JunieRose2005 said...

Hummingbird moths look a lot like hummingbirds!

When we first moved to North Fl i saw them for the first time and thought they were humming birds.
