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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Blooming Tuesday...

This is my first Blooming Tuesday.......A Hibiscus, (blooms constantly) and two of my Mums.


Sweetie said...

The Hibiscus is very nice. I'm going to try it next year. I love your mums. They are my favorite fall flower. I will be going to the greenhouse this weekend to get some.

Suzanne said...

Love your hibiscus -- so beautiful and bold! The mums are great too -- they remind me of Fall with their beautiful Autumn colors!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Darla: What beautiful flower blooms you have shown today, great colors.

Latane Barton said...

Darla, because you commented on my blog I linked to yours and want to say, I really am enjoying it. Glad we made the connection.

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful blooms! Love the moon shot in the previous post too.

Gail said...

Thank you Darla for visiting clay and limestone! Your hibiscus is fabulous. Are your mums a named variety?


Anne Fannie said...

Hello Darla, welcome to your first blooming tuesday! So glad you could share with us your lovely bloom! I love your Hibiscus flower and your mums are so happy looking!
Thanks for sharing.
Smiles, Ann

Carla said...

White hardy hibiscus is on my 'gonna get' list for next year! It is the season for mums isn't it! Love your color choices!

Anonymous said...

Very lovely blooms today for Bloomin' Tuesday. I need to get me more mums to extend the season.

tina said...

What lovely blooms!

Diary From Africa said...

Darla, thanks for visiting my blog all the way in East Africa ;) I love the photo you posted of the hibiscus. We get them here but they look totally different. I sometimes make a cordial out of the petals, it really is delicious on a hot day !
Bye for now
Lynda, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Aiyana said...

Great photos! We have a lot of Hibiscus here, but white is not that common. Love seeing yours.

Heidi said...

Gorgeous blooms Darla!

Jean said...

Welcome to Bloomin' Tuesday! It's nice to meet you! Love the rust colored mum and your containers are lovely. Great combinations of plants. If you would like a BT button click on the button on my sidebar for a few choices. Please post a link to the Bloomin' Tuesday list so your visitors can join in the fun. Happy Bloomin' Tuesday! Jean

Laurie and Chris said...

Love the mums I haven't bought any yet this year I love the rust colored one.

kesslerdee said...

That white Hibiscus is gorgeous! I think they are some of the prettiest blooms ever! I have 2 but am tempted every time I see a new color.

Peggy said...

Hi Darla,Just going through some of your posts! Your flowers are all beautifull, the sunshine and heat extends your flowering season.Here in Ireland we have had a terrible summer of wind and rain and all of our blooms have suffered.
Best wishes