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Monday, September 8, 2008

A Wonderful Blessed Day!

Our 12 year old really wanted me to take this picture of the moon last here it is.

Yesterday was our son's 22nd Birthday......he wanted grilled hamburgers and banana pudding at home with the family....gotta love that! (Our oldest is in Daytona Beach, really wish she could have been with us)

Children praying together, this really warms a parents heart!

A Blue Dragonfly, he was pretty big too.

A Bee on the Butterfly Bush.


Shelley said...

You have a beautiful family - very heartwarming to see them all praying together!

Salute said...

A family that pray together stay together. God bless

Unknown said...

I agree!! Thanks.......

Lolosblog said...

Lovely family! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

I agree with Mae's comment!

Anonymous said...

How very nice that your kids pray together. The moon picture was great, tell your 12 year old that. :)

Patsy said...

HAPPY BIRTDAY to your son. Lovely family.Patsy

Leedra said...

Great seeing a family praying before their meal.

Good capture on the dragonfly.

Anonymous said...

Hi darla, I enjoyed reading your blog and looking at your family pictures. It's nice to meet you!

A Colorful World said...

As always, wonderful shots of your garden neighbors! And you family looks so incerdible! What a sweet picture of the kids praying together! Happy birthday to your son! Hey, banana pudding is what my husband always wants on his birthday too! :-)

A Colorful World said...

P.S. Your 12 yr old wanting that moon picture is so neat. I am always so inspired by the moon! Tell him thanks for asking for that picture! I enjoyed it.

Mamajil said...

Gosh I can't believe How grown chad is!! Wasn't it yesterday that he and Josh played t-ball????