You never really know what type or color Zinnia you will get from seed. I think I'm going to like this one. This one isn't bad either.
Here I have yet another color Cosmos, so far the standard pink, white and now this little lovely.
I planted a package of mixed Cleome seed, only see white for now. Glad I bought those two purple ones.
Well apparently this 'Hot Lips' Salvia mix does change with the heat, it is almost all white now.
Look Grace from I went to Home Depot, LOL.
My big kid daughter was in town over the weekend and gave me a gift certificate for Home Depot. Have you ever seen an idea that you just couldn't get out of your mind until you tried it? I used the certificate to purchase these containers and a few plants to put in them. My husband brought home a steel pipe, drove it in the ground about 4 feet, dropped some rebar in the middle of it and viola!
My big kid daughter was in town over the weekend and gave me a gift certificate for Home Depot. Have you ever seen an idea that you just couldn't get out of your mind until you tried it? I used the certificate to purchase these containers and a few plants to put in them. My husband brought home a steel pipe, drove it in the ground about 4 feet, dropped some rebar in the middle of it and viola!
I love how your planter turned out. I think I'll try that too.
I love zinnias too, I've got too packets of seeds ready for planting when it warms up. I wonder if it's too late to start cleome here, I'm going to have to check.
I mean two packets :)
Looks great Darla! Go ahead and rub in your zinnias!!! Boy I tell ya....
thats ok mine will look like your in no time flat...I am telling are a good week ahead of me bloom time. So it is great to see what you have going on! :)
Great shots! Love the tipsy pots!
I knew when I saw Crafty Gardener's Tipsy Pot I had to have one but I get so busy buying flowers I forget to pick up the stuff to make it with. Make A List!!!!!
Your tipsy pots are so cute. I know you will love them. You can get so many flowers in a small area that way. I have two of them and love them.
Darla: What a neat pot planter and you sure have great colors showing.
lookin great girl! I did a post about those tipsy pot planters last year! Looks awesome!
I see some gerber daisy's too. My fav. I love that planter idea. I saw it featured in one of my magazines. Your seeds come out well. I have had no luck with seeds this year.
Love your tipsy planter. It rained here too and my tulips and daffodils are all bent to the ground.
Your zinnias are pretty. My zinnia seeds sprouted quickly but they aren't getting their true leaves. They just sit their happily with two seed leaves.
Zinnia and Cosmos. Two of my favorites. I like that clay pot arrangement. It's a smart way to make your own display stand.
That is a really cool planter idea Darla! I'll bet Martha Stewart hasn't had that idea yet :)
Those cosmos of yours sure can handle the rain. They look just great. Sorry the others didn't fare so well. But of course, they'll send up more blooms I'm certain.
Darla, it's lovely already! I like that Zinnia, too. The second one looks like the Shades of Pink I plant each year! My dear, the rain was awfully hard on the plants but I have hope they will perk up soon...gail
Lots of our customers come into the nursery wanting to buy those size pots to do the same thing with. It is so cute. Can't wait to see how yours looks in a week or two.
Did you ever get you some sedum? It will look good in the tipsy pots, I think I will try it.
I'm currently loving Zinnias too, some day I'll try cosmos again, the tipsy pot is too cool. Congrats on the 'smart' Mother's Day Gift:) Happy Mother's Day Darla!
I just showed the hubby your stacked planter and told him I want one! I loved how it turned out!!
LOVe that planter! Now, if I had HALF the green thumb you have, I'd have to go to Home Depot! Of course half a thumb is gross, but you get the idea.
Hi Darla ~~ Hurray for Home Depot! I've been wanting to make a tipsy pot tower (?) since I saw the photo on another blog awhile ago. Tootsie maybe. I was thinking it would be cool to fill them with strawberry plants. Come to think of it, I saw strawberry plants at HD last time I was there (yesterday). . . .
I love that first Zinnia, such an interesting shape. You will love the white Cleome, the pink ones seem to reseed easier though. Good job with the tipsy pots, can't wait to see it all filled in! :)
Loving your planter, what a cute idea.
Love the idea!
I can't wait to see it filled out more!
Really nice pics! Your garden is going to look great! I'm jealous. The planter is really nice!
Um...send us some rain please. We're hot, dusty, dry and under water restrictions. Hmph.
the planter is neat, it will be lovely when it fills in.
The rain here is beating my iris blooms to pieces. I have lots of blooms but they all getting such rough treatment.
Leedra’s Photos For FunLeedra’s Greeting CardsPhotography By Leedra
Very cool tipsy pots. I have one of those made to sit on concrete. It has a steel plate welded on the bottom. Set the whole thing in the bottom pot and fill with dirt.
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