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Saturday, December 13, 2008

You Are Gonna Love This!!

Betcha didn't know Palm Tree bark makes a good Christmas Deer! My older girls are helpers with the younger classes at Church. This is what Kinder Church made last week. Cute!


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow, Darla. Of all the years I lived around Palm trees---I never thought of using them like this. I'm IMPRESSED.... Someone is very creative!

Tootsie said...

ha ha! you are right! I do! how cute!

Dorothy said...

Really cute deer!!

About the fudge...I made three batches, and they all were ready to cut by the time they were at room temperature. Hope yours is firm enough to cut by now. I used a candy thermometer on the first two batches and then just put a little in cold water to test the last time. Hope you don't have to eat it with a spoon!

Frank Baker said...

Many years ago we llived in Arizona and we would make the reindeer every year for Christmas. I was once told that Palm trees are not native to Arizona and all were all transplanted. I wondered about that because there are so many palm trees there.

A Hint of Home said...

That is so unique. Turned out great!

Patsy said...

Very creative and cute.

Jen said...

Cute! I would hang that on my wall; it would blend right in.

nannykim said...

Cool idea ;-)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Darla: So simple yet effective, you realize we don't even know about palm bark. LOL

Kathleen McQueen Wright said...

Oh I love it!!

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

HI yourself!!! Saw you had been by, thanks I am glad you like my blog... yes those crowns seem to be a real hit, just don't mention them around Tootsie, she is going mad looking for one, poor thing...hahaha, please do come back again!!

Leedra said...

My husband met a man on the beach that collects the palm discards. He said he paints on them. This is a simple one for the children. Real cute.

Carla said...

Wow, this is just too cute! Thanks for sharing:)

A Colorful World said...

TOOO cute!