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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bloomin' Tuesday...

Dahlia Caladiums are coming up--Buck

This Lupine was in a wildflower packet that I put out in December.

Another mixed container with Red Fountain Grass, Mezoo Doreanthus, Luna Alyssum and Gold Celosia

More wildflowers from the same packet with the Lupine, I think these are a type of Daisy.

They look fake, that shiny part is how they really look.

MiniFamous Calibrachoa Million Bells--I think this may be Cracklin' Fire

Intensia Cabernet Phlox hybrid--Proven Winners with Dahlberg Daisy and Diamond Frost Euphorbia--Proven Winners

Royal Carpet Alyssum with Petunia Easy Wave Blue


Clematis, Pansies, Petunias, Four O'clocks in there, Vinca, Zinnias and Liriope Grass-- all aren't blooming yet.


Double Knockout Roses

Supertunia Raspberry Blast Petunia hybrid, Peter's Gold Carpet Bidens ferulifolia both Proven Winners

Salvia 'Hot Lips'--

See how the mix changes with the heat?

Cleome, 'Hot Lips' to the left, Purple Coneflowers, Zinnias, Cosmos, Marigold and Balloon Flowers in this area.

For more Bloomin' Tuesday click on the banner to the right. Thanks Jean!


Suzanne said...

Oh my goodness. Is the house next door to you for sale, by any chance? Your garden is so beautiful! So much to look at...

Anonymous said...

You always have such a wonderful array of bloomers in your garden Darla! I love that Hot Lips Salvia, they are some of my favorite perennials. Happy Bloomin Tuesday!

Jennifer AKA keewee said...

Your garden is so beautiful.

Ginger said...

That salvia hot lips is so cool! You have a beautiful rainbow of plants.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Love caladiums, hope to add a few this year. You have such a nice variety.

tina said...

Oh boy! I am so in awe of that strawflower. My grandmother used to grow them in Maine. I've not had any luck here-not enough sun I think. Lovely blooms!

Kathleen McQueen Wright said...

Salvia 'Hot Lips'
New one for me! I need to get this one!

Deb said...

I love your header!! Darla your flowers are just gorgeous!

Dorothy said...

Hi Darla,
Great header! Love your flowers, especially the hot lips salvia and the Cleome.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Darla: So many blooms, so much beauty.

Lois said...

So pretty Darla! I love the 'hot lips'!

Aiyana said...

You're right, on first glance, the daisies do look like plastic! You have so many beautiful flowers. Do you spend a lot of time strolling through your garden? I think I would!

Dirt Princess said... have so much blooming right now! WoW!!!! I noticed my little caladiums peeking up yesterday. Everything is coming along!

2sweetnsaxy said...

Wow! Spring is just busting out all over at your place isn't it? I love it! I was lazy and didn't plant anything this year.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

You have so many flowers and they all look so happy. I love your clematis

Teri said...

You have so many beautiful flowers blooming everywhere! Love those daisies :) And talk about hibiscus-your header is a beauty!


Lona said...

Wow Darla you have so much blooming and I am so jealous. Do you leave your Caladiums in the ground where you live or take them up in the winter.I would grow them if I could leave them in the ground.I tried to keep the bulbs but they did not keep for me. I simply love the purple petunias and lavender assylium, gorgeous!

CottageBliss said...


What a breath of freshness and beauty to encourage us along the way.

Thanks for sharing your lovlies.


Jean said...

Wow! I love the combinations that you put together! Everything looks so pretty. Can't pick a favorite, I love them all! Jean

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Darla you are amazing with the array of plants with beautiful flowers. The colours are all so harmonious together. The straw-flowers are native plants
of Australia. I love Salvias so I am very intrigued with the hot-lips.

Becca's Dirt said...

The salvia hot lips is such a gorgeous flower. You have so much stuff in bloom and everything looks wonderful. Happy gardening... Becca..

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!!! Beautiful!!! :)


Jake said...

Looking good your way! I still don't see my Caladiums coming back, maybe they died?


Susie said...

Beautiful as usual Darla.

Anonymous said...

Wow Darla~~ This is amazing! I bet the caladium is hardy in your climate--lucky gal. It's interesting that you've got a Double Knockout Rose. They must grow everywhere. Last year I couldn't decide on the single or the double so I bought both and planted them close to each other. Needless to say I'm waiting very patiently (huh!) for them to bloom. Surprisingly my 'Hot Lips' survived our winter. And my Celosia is slow but sure!

Anonymous said...

Gosh that's a lot of variety. You have picked the best of the best. I don't have a perennial or annual blooming yet. It will be another month at least. I planted all that seed and they bloom later than the nursery bought flowers.

Shelley said...

I could spend hours in your yard just admiring your beautiful flowers!!

Leedra said...

Hot Lips sure is pretty. I have been watching my Lupine for buds, but none yet.

Leedra’s Photos For FunLeedra’s Greeting CardsPhotography By Leedra

Dani said...

Yep, I could live next door to you! lol

Marsha said...

Such beauty you have already and you have such variety. A very gorgeous garden that I look forward to following all season.

Don't you just love the hot lips salvia? Around here we have to grow them as annuals but when I was in TX, I saw a plant that was so big it looked like a shrub.

George said...

Thanks for the tour of your beautiful garden.

Jessica said...

Just came by to see your pretty flowers. :)

Hope your day is a good one!


Anonymous said...

The most famous beautiful gardening plant salvia now announced for a contest click on to
and here:
visit today to win the contest