It is one of the most meaningful awards in blog world because it honors someone who is incredibly inspirational in her intelligent and witty writing. And by doing so, this award celebrates women's smart, strong and inspirational spirit! It honors women who spread joy and love like an Acorn......a small package growing into a tall and sturdy oak tree which gives more acorns.............. Thank you Cherry at and Becca's Dirt at
I am leaving to go visit my other friend Sandra and nose around her flower gardens. I will try my best to pass this award along when I I the only one that finds it hard to choose some bloggers over others, when they are all so great?
Congrads on the Award... you totally deserve it. I love visiting your blog because I always learn something new about gardening or get to enjoy some fabulous photos. That little birdy in the house is too cool!
Happy Gardening to you this day.
I just received this award myself Darla. It is nice to be chosen.
Cute pic of the little birdie!
such a cute little birdie...have fun nosing around your friends garden hope you take some photos to share with us
Congratulations on your award! That bluebird picture is soooooo cute! I'm jealous!
Love seeing that little bluebird head peeking out! I see that he's also messy with pooping outside his home (my chickadees always do this and I go scrub the outside of their house cuz it drives me crazy to see it! LOL!)
Congratulations on a well deserved award!
Darla: I like your bird box photo, really neat. Cool award, you do deserve it.
Congratulations on your award(s) and the little fellow peeking out from your bird box!
How fun! You have a good day...its going to be a hot one today!
Congrats on the award, well deserved.
Leedra’s Photos For FunLeedra’s Greeting CardsPhotography By Leedra
I agree Darla ---that it's very hard to pick out specific bloggers for awards. I did it once---but haven't done it since. I offer anyone who wants any of my awards to grab them!!!!
I think that people get their feelings hurt sometimes ---and feel left out. I just don't want any of my fabulous blog friends to feel as if I like one over the other.
I put all of my awards on my sidebar with the person's name who gave the award to me.. I think that works---but you can't go by me. I'm just not into all of the memes and giveaways, etc... I just love blogging!!!!
Congrats Darla! You deserve this!
Congrats on the award Darla!! Also,
love your photo of the bird peaking out of the house! Is that a baby blue bird?
The bird in the box seems to be telling you to quit peeping. tee hee
And yes, I find it hard to pass an award along. There are so many great blogs.
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