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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Flowers and Clematis Questions...

Don't ya just love the morning dew drops? This Society Garlic is getting with the program!
I do believe the Cleome that I purchased some weeks back has settled in quite nicely.
The Clematis has opened and is full of buds. Okay, do you prune back all Clematis'? This bloom is on old wood, BUT there is a lot of new growth at the bottom also full of buds. Does anyone know the name of this one?

This Ornamental Kale makes me LOL everyday when I check on it. I am about 5'3'' (on a good day) and this Kale comes up to my rear end!

I have two small Loropetalum Shrubs, (courtesy of Ms. Doris) and they have buds as well. Can't wait for these to grow big!

I do hope this day brings you sunshine and smiles!!


Patsy said...

We have rain today but it is warming up and it want be long until I have flowers.

Catherine Holman said...

Your blog always makes me want to go outside and dig in the dirt! The only problem is that it's still pretty frozen!

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

You always have so much blooming. I'm not sure of the variety of clematis. I think there are 3 types A, B and C and depending on the variety is when you prune them. Most of mine I prune at the end of summer and then I get lots of new growth from the roots. I bet you could post a picture on Garden Web, they may even have a clematis forum and someone might be able to id it for you.

Twisted Fencepost said...

Yes, I do love dew drops. But I dont' think about them until I see them on someone elses blog. By then it's too late.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Always fun to see what's blooming in your yard. Up here in northern Illinois we are starved for something green and growing.

Your kale makes me smile too.

PC said...

I am laste getting to Blloming Tuesday this week - I posted a comment on that day then I was afraid you wouldn't see it. I loave your pix you posted for today as well. What a clever idea to use wheelbarrows for raised beds. Looks like you are already so busy! Love the pix! Paula from Idaho

tina said...

After all these years of gardening I still have a hard time with clematis. Some I cut back last month, have returned, some not. Frustrating. Good luck with yours.

Anonymous said...

Your gardens are just a bloomin' and the pics are beautiful. Same for me on the Clematis. I finally have 3 that haven't died on me. I'd love to have a dozen or more. Hubby keeps them trimmed.
I too, love a picture with the dew drops. We're getting lots of dew here - heavy duty falling from the sky dew.

Kara said...

Your dew drop picture is making me consider buying a new camera... :) If I do, I will blame it all on you!

Anonymous said...

You have some beautiful flowers in full bloom. Great pictures!


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Darla: Another neat flower show, nicely done.

Anonymous said...

All of my Clematis are a bit different. I don't prune the larger flowering varieties since they bloom off of old wood like Nelly Moser. Some of the smaller flowering types bloom off of this seasons growth like Niobe. Here's a website that I thought might be helpful to you

Susie said...

I have been enjoyed the last 3 days so much. Beautiful blue skies, warm sunshine, warm temps; I love it!!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Darla, we have a Clematis that grows up the telephone poll in our yard. How nice is that --to have a poll in your yard!!! Gads! Anyhow the Clematis is so pretty as it grows up that pole. It helps that area look a little better. Right now though, our Clematis still thinks it is winter!!!!! We'll just have to wait 'til it wakes up!

Jean said...

Darla, Some types of clematis bloom twice a season. Those you don't want to cut until after the first bloom. Not sure what yours is. Jean