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Friday, March 20, 2009

Skywatch Friday and..........!

Just beautiful the sky on our way to my husband's softball game last night! I know Tom over at power lines.......aargh! For more beautiful sky photos from around the world

and finally I saw White Wisteria yesterday afternoon when I picked the medium kids up from middle school. Did I stop traffic when I got out of the car to take this photo in a quaint little neighborhood...........why yes!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful sky photo Darla. And I would of had to stop to get a picture of that white Wisteria too. They'll get over it, lol. :)

Reader Wil said...

It was worth while stopping!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Beautiful skywatch photo. If you hate those power lines Serif 6 (free download photo editor) will take them out as will PhotoShop;)

Susie said...

The things we bloggers do to get a great photo! ha!

Thanks for sharing your beautiful sky with us Darla! Hope you have a happy gardening weekend!

Rosemarie said...

Oh I just love stopping traffic! My uncle can spot edible mushrooms from a mile away and will stop in the middle of the road if needed to go get them!

Dennis said...

A little Photoshop & those powerlines are gone!

Anonymous said...

I love that first photo, so white and so excellent for today's SWF.

Lois said...

Hi Darla! This is a beautiful Sky
Watch photo. I'm glad to meet another blogger in Tallahassee.

penny said...

Wonderful Skywatch photo, Darla. Thanks for your visit. Have a great weekend.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

Great pictures! I love the sun shining through the clouds!

Carla said...

Beauty for sure:)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful sky picture, Darla.. Tom won't mind the power lines since the picture is just SO good!!!! ha

Love the Wisteria... By the way, did you see all of the people on the freeway in CA stopping to chase after the money that the 'thieves' threw out of their truck when they were being chased by the cops???? People literally stopped in the middle of the busy freeway to chase after that money!!!!


Anonymous said...

One divine light. Thank you for sharing. Happy SWF!

Anonymous said...

perfect sun shot!! absolutely stunning.

Patsy said...

What a great picture of the sky.

Sugarplum Cottage said...

Oh I've been wanting a white Wisteria, is it so elegant and beautiful. Love the photo of the sky. Hugs, Rosemarie

tina said...

It was worth it. Love the white of the wisteria.

Deb said...

I like your style Darla, your sky photo is great! I keep my camera with me all the time since I started my blog, you never know when something just needs its picture taken

George said...

I like the sky picture even if the power line did get in the way! I'm also glad you stopped traffic to get your second picture. Thanks!

Dani said...

WoW!! What a great sky Darla!

Naturegirl said...

A lovely sky!I hate those power lines when they get in the way of a perfect shot..argh for sure!! Hope you are making sure that fishing guy is resting too!

Leedra said...

I used to have a white wisteria, and have never seen another one. When we moved we took a start from our purple and white. We are still wondering which lived. They still have not bloomed, actually have not grown very much either. Still waiting for the results. The white wisteria was probably the plant/flower I hated to leave at that house the most. When I got my start to begin with we babied it in a pot for almost a year to be sure it was going to live.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun

Leedra’s Greeting Cards

Photography By Leedra

Linda said...

Never mind the power lines - they add a quirky touch, in my mind (perhaps because I always manage to find the power lines too!)

Mike's Travels said...

Amazing sky!
This I Do...

Anonymous said...

I wish wisteria weren't so hysterical. I tried it but when it threatened to gobble the house, I had to put my foot down. This white variety is a beaut.

I have to deal with power lines, right through my backyard twenty feet up. They definitely add a challenge to attractive photography. But yours is still nice.

Happy weekend,Darla.

Arija said...

A very beautiful sky shot.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Darla: That was a neat shot of the sun and cloud, sometimes those power lines just jump into the photo. Thanks for the link, I appreciate it my friend.