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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Today's Flowers

My husband spotted color in the back part of our property while standing on the back upper deck. So off we go to investigate with camera in hand. Maybe someone will help us identify what we found. Please click to enlarge.

These blooms are on a tree, not a vine. Resembles honeysuckle, although the fragrance is more perfume like.
Could it be a honeysuckle tree? Thinking I might want to plant one of these in the yard or flower garden where it will be more appreciated.......?
Here are the leaves of this tree.
We also found these flowers on another tree.....Isn't it pretty, hopefully you can make out it's leaves in the back ground.
We also have this ground cover, everywhere! Wonder who eats these berries?
We have several of these bushes that we have been watching, resemble the blueberry bush. Except these blooms are white and there are no berries.
and then this is the Azalea bush that my husband gets me pieces of and I root them. I have three so far.
For more of Today's Flowers, please click on the Today's Flowers Banner to the right of my page.


Anonymous said...

Hi Darla,
You have wild azalea and partrige berry. We have these growing wild in are woods. Our wild azaleas have buds right now. These are some of our favorite woodland plants. Vicki

Unknown said...

Which is which?

Susie said...

Darla, The ground cover with berries is the Partridge Berry. It's botanical is Mitchella repens. It's a native plant. Sorry, I don't know about the other plants but they are pretty.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

All I can say is 'beautiful' Darla. I know NOT what they are--but I love them. Any bloom this time of year is SPECIAL.

tina said...

I think the first plant is honeysuckle. It grows in shrub or tree form as well as the vining type. It is quite invasive too though. But I like it and pull the unwanted volunteers or give them away, or move them. Maybe the the tree with the hanging flowers is a silverbell? Not sure.

Anonymous said...

I think the first is wild azalea too as the leaves look like azalea leaves. So nice that you have so many things blooming. I see a few Daffodils and the Kwanza cherry trees are blooming and that's it.

Anonymous said...

You are lucky to have so many lovely flowers already.

Maria said...

Beautiful! Finally spring has come! Very delicate pictures! Nice work!

Jorge Pinheiro said...

Spring is coming!

Anonymous said...

Hi Darla, yes, it is one of the native azaleas, don't know which one but there are some good sites for ID.

I can't help you on the others, but the pink flower looks like a prunus of some sort.


Gill - That British Woman said...

great photos, so nice to see Spring..

Gill in Canada

Arija said...

Darla, the hand held sprig lookd like a crab-apple. Great to have so much flowering already.


So many beautiful signs of spring!

Barbara said...

A beautiful series of photos. Nice signs that spring is on its way.
Smiles B

Commonweeder said...

I recognized the red partridge berries. I have a friend who gave me a Berry Bowl, a kind of terrarium, with moss and partridge berries for Christmas. I wish I had such blooms at this time of the year.

Anonymous said...

So beautiful ones all of them, you already has spring there.

Anonymous said...

Hi Darla, well spring is certainly coming and you have lots of flowers to look forward to.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

You have got great flowering surroundings. It is always fun to make cuttings from wild growing shrubs and trees. The purple Azalea is beautiful. The single delicate pinkish flower could be a prunus specie like Frances said, perhaps a wild almond?

kayleen said...

A lovely tour of your garden. Thanks for sharing.

Jan said...

Great photos. You're lucky to have such a variety.

Pat - Arkansas said...

These are lovely photos. I wish I had your "Green Thumb" for making sprigs grow. Your husband is very thoughtful to bring them to you.

Reader Wil said...

I guess it's still winter in your place even if you have already flowers, like here in Holland, though all trees are still bare and without flowers. Thank you for your visit to my French holiday flowers( August 2007)

Reader Wil said...

I guess it's still winter in your place even if you have already flowers, like here in Holland, though all trees are still bare and without flowers here. Thank you for your visit to my French holiday flowers( August 2007)

Rosamaria said...

Darla, I don't know the name of the first flower. Sorry.

I love this kind of Azalea. At my mother's garden, had a lot of them.

RA said...

We are still in the rainy season... I wish we had spring here. These are beautiful and amazing flowers, but I'm afraid that I'm no good help for naming them. Happy gardening :)

Mckay K said...

Beautiful wild flowers Darla. A sure sign that spring is on the way.


Very pretty shots...spring is coming...
Thanks for your nice comment in my blog...
Hugs from Portugal!

Deb said...

It is so nice to find things blooming no matter what they are!

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

I agree that it's some type of azalea. The deciduous ones seem to have a nice fragrance. What a nice surprise!

Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone was able to help you with the id of these lovely natives. :)

Wicked Gardener said...

Look up Pixter azalea on Google and see if it looks like your first plant with the white flowers. It is a native Floridian azalea. I just bought one at a native plant sale last weekend because it looked so cool.

Shelley said...

That azalea bush is so pretty - reminds me of Easter time! (cuz that's when mine starts to bloom)

Neal said...

Those are all beautiful. Spring is on the way!!!!!!!

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Darla, you mentioned that you would like a yellow "Lycoris aurea". In case you can not find the bulb, I could send you one as soon as they have died down. It would take a while as they are still flowering and then the leaves grow for food in the bulbs, they are ready to dig when the leaves have died. ( A small presi from one gardener to another!)

Rosemarie said...

Hi!!! How are you??? My computer crashed!!! Fun!!!

These pictures are great - it looks like you had great light, too. They are so crisp and clear - I love pictures like that.

Patsy said...

Wild azalea's how wonderful.

Lilli & Nevada said...

I love all the flowers and i don't have a clue to any of them

Anonymous said...

Great pictures..
Very beautiful, thank you for sharing!

EG CameraGirl said...

Oh it's so wonderful seeing photos of spring!

My Today’s Flower’s post is at
More of Me - EG

Mariamellie said...

Dear Darla! Beautiful photos! I don't know which one is my favorite as they are all telling special stories. =)

Anonymous said...

How come you haven't personally answered each and every one of these replies ;)

Ok, I was just checking on you. Are you out in the garden again....bending over? I laughed my fool head off at your neighbor lady saying all she saw was your rear all day.

Peggy said...

Hi Darla, you are so lucky to have so many volunteer plants popping up on the property! it is great to see some colour at this time of year too

Unknown said...

Thanks for the ID on two of the plants, it is wild azalea or pinxter or bush honeysuckle and the ground cover is partridge berry.

Flowergardengirl, you are too funny. It's an on going joke around here now. All I hear is, "Are you going outside to bend over in the yard, again?"

DeniseinVA said...

What a lovely series of photos, all flowers are just beautiful!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Darla: A wonderful look at a lot of neat flowers. Your yard truly looks like Spring. Mine is covered with snow once again.

Roses and Lilacs said...

I love those berries. I remember trying to grow some when I lived in AL. I never could get them to grow in the woodsy area beside our hours.

Laerte Pupo said...

The spring is caming. It is good, because you'll have a lot of flowers to post.

Leedra said...

I think the first is an azalea, the kind that is more whispy looking even when covered in blooms. My favorite kind.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra

Anonymous said...

You always seem to have something in bloom. The freeze at the end of January seemed to take most of my blooms out for now. I hope it stays warmer after tonight. I have stuff trying to grow and I dont want it frosted. MY Cavendish Banana put out a leaf two weekends ago and it got frosted last monday. It is now ushing out another and I am crossing my fingers tonight isn't has bad as forecasted. Lastnight wasn't we didn't even hit 32.

Judy said...

the pink flowers on the tree are members of the apple family, but that is a huge family. coul be appl, flowering crabapple, cherry, i am not sure about pear - they are not chokecherry - too big and pink for that
the first ufo is very pretty, so i hope someone can help you out with that
i am so jealous that you have stuff bloomimg outdoors! the wind chill this morning was -28 - bitter!