The first nursery was a native one, we fell in love with the Trillium.
It is a shade plant and makes these little wine colored shoots in the middle, isn't it neat?This big guy was soooo sweet, I guess he's the Master Gardener!
We also so this little flower blooming as we were walking to the car to leave. Could it be a Crocus? I thought the stem was a little tall to be.....
We weren't real impressed with the set up, had fun poking around though.
Then we went to a Nursery that has been around here as long as I can remember and has the best gardening employees to answer one or one hundred questions and never seems rushed!
I thought this container was beautiful, I like how the flower colors match the container and the kale it was sitting in the middle of just made the whole thing very eye catching.
I love your choices. I have never had success with salvia here. Your window boxes are going to be beautiful.
Very nice pics. Enjoyed your site.
Looks like great fun. Those trilliums are sweet plants. I have a few myself in the woodland garden. I do like the color scheme, but anything with red geraniums in it is great in my book:)
what a fun day, love the plants you picked out
I love going nursery shopping. Looks like you found some great choices. I love bleeding heart. It's one I'm really looking forward to seeing. Mine are just beginning to pop up.
Mildred: I haven't given this red salvia a good chance as of yet, so keep your fingers crossed.
James; Thanks.
Tina: I don't know what color the geraniums will be, but for .99 I couldn't pass them up.
Deb: Thanks.
Catherine: First time with the bleeding hearts too.....I am really trying WAY to many new things in one season. It will be fun to see what happens though.
I am glad you had a fun day among the flowers and plants.
Nice! Glad you had a great day (I'm craving Mexican food now) and I can't wait to see where you plant your new beauties.
Sounds you two must of had a great day! I love wandering thru nurseries checking out the lovelies! That last picture of the container is very nice. We sell pottery like that where I work.
What could be better, Darla.. Visiting nurseries and seeing beautiful flowers; got lots of great ideas; and ate Mexican!!!! Life must be good for Darling Darla!!!!! Can't wait to see YOUR nursery --as you continue to 'grow it.'
What a great way to spend the day! I keep checking my local big box stores & walmart but they don't have anything out yet. Looks like your shed is going to look really pretty with the windowboxes planted up.
I love that container too! So many lovely photos!
Darla- I am happy for you that your tour and shopping day was fun. Good luck with all of your new plants, If I can't kill a bleeding heart, you will definately do well with it.
I kept looking for the name of the last plant, but I did not see that you named it. Also, didn't see which type of Bleeding Heart you got. Only somebody in Fla could plant these this early. I think we have called the last one you pictured Airplane Plant? Not sure, but I know it will give you lots of seeds.
Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra
I learned about Trilliam through my best friend Vicki. I have several here that come up. If it hadn't been for her, I would not have known what it was. Sounds like a wonderful day with a friend. You sure are getting me in the spring mood! It is suppose to be warming up here later this week. This morning it was 21 degrees.
Lovely photos, glad you enjoyed your nursery day, I particularly loved the blue pot with the matching blue plants in it.
Leedra: the last plant is the Cleome.
You have some nice choices. Maybe you will get some hummingbirds with your salvia.
I love cleome, once you have some established you will always have it. It self seeds like crazy but is easy to just hoe up the seedlings you don't want.
I love the flowers you picked. I am really bad with taking care of my own flowers but I love admiring other peoples. ;)
What a great selection of flowers! I, too, LOVE the cleome flower. It is so unusual looking and produces hundreds of seeds.
I love the cleome! I'll have to see if anyone has those this weekend.
Wonderful series of Spring flower photos! Love the 'master gardener' with four paws too ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Hi Darla, a good day indeed, right down to the Mexican food, my favorite. That container planting is very attractive, I really like the color of the container echoed in the flowers in and around it. I do have that kale, hmmm, around the outside of a container has possibilites, thanks for the inspiration!
What a great day! Thanks for showing us trilliums. I have heard of them, but didn't know what they were. I like them. That cleome is awesome!
Those trilliums are gorgeous - really something! I also love, as you pointed out, how the Kale brings out the colors in the pottery. Very nice.
I've never seen one like the top photo. I'm trying to restrain myself from buying until it warms up, to stay. Thanks for stoppin by Project Friday. Have a great day, Rosemarie
Darla: Does look like a neat group of flowers to plant.
Darla, I was lamenting to Tina that I wished I had a few garden shopping friends locally! You are lucky to have a buddy who loves pants to visit the nurseries with....Have a good weekend...gail
You did get some great plants. My daughter gave me a Cyclamen last year and I was surprised it stayed nice all summer - I think becauseI had lost one before. And I got Salvia for the first time last year too so I'm anxious to see how it does this year. Your pictures are great - lots of spring color to keep us going.
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